Nursing Clothing Essentials

Breastfeeding Clothing – What do I need?

Technically, you don’t need anything except for you and your baby. However, there are many items you can use that will make your breastfeeding experience more comfortable, discreet, and enjoyable for you! Here’s a quick tour of the basics that I believe every nursing mother should have.

Nursing Pajamas

Nursing PJs are a must have. In the beginning, while your body is healing, over-tired and stressed, you’ll likely be spending more time than usual in your pajamas or lounge wear. You’ll want to have PJs that have convenient breastfeeding access since you’ll be needing to feed your baby often.

How Many? I would recommend at least two nursing PJs, one for the wash and one to wear.

>>Read More About Nursing Pajamas
>>Shop for Nursing Pajamas

Nursing Tops

Nursing Tops are essential for discreet nursing in public. Nursing Tops are the best way to discreetly feed your baby in public. Nursing tops come in an assortment of styles and different openings for accessing the breast. Some tops pull up from underneath the breast, while others might have V-neck that pulls to the side of the breast. See our Nursing Top Styles Guide for more details.

How Many? Depends on how often you plan to nurse in public. I would recommend at least two to three casual tops and one to two more fashionable tops for going out.

View BumbleWee’s selection of nursing tops

Nursing & Maternity Dresses

Let BumbleWee Nursing Wear help you find the dress that is going to make you feel as fabulous as you are for those weddings, showers, and special parties that take you out of the house.

We carry a wide selection of dresses for both casual and formal events.  Most of our dresses are designed for the maternity as well as the breastfeeding stages.

>>Read More About Nursing & Maternity Dresses
>>Shop for Nursing Dresses
>>Shop for Maternity Dresses

Nursing Bras

Nursing PJs and nursing tops just aren’t complete without a nursing bra. Nursing bras provide easy access to the breast without having to remove your entire bra.

How Many? You want to have at least two nursing bras, one for the wash, and one to wear.  If you are only getting one or two nursing bras, it’s safer to go without a wire for several reasons.

>>Read More About Nursing Bras
>>Shop for Nursing Bras

Nursing Cover

A Nursing Cover is another essential item for discreet nursing in public. Paired with a nursing top, you can feel comfortable nursing your baby anywhere in public! A nursing cover cover’s you and your baby during nursing. It attaches around your neck so that baby can not pull the cover off during nursing.

How Many? One, unless your baby spits up often, then you might want two.

View BumbleWee’s selection of nursing covers at Nursing Covers

View other Nursing Clothing entries.

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